Term of Use

This Term of Use is a legal agreement between you (“Customer”) and Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation (“Sony”). This Term of Use governs the Customer’s rights and obligations regarding the data sheets, manuals and circuit diagrams (collectively, “Data Sheets”) for LPWA transmitter module (“Module”). 


1.    The product specifications, circuit examples, and other technical information and details in these specifications and other information relating to the Module described in the Data Sheets (collectively, “Product Information, etc.”) provided to the Customer are provided as reference information for use, and operation of the Module on the actual devices is not guaranteed. In designing Customer’s product, the Customer will evaluate and confirm the Module as it is mounted on Customer’s product and use at Customer’s own discretion and responsibility.
Except in cases where Sony provides separate notice or agrees in writing, Sony makes no warranties relating to the Data Sheets and the Product Information, etc. and shall not be liable for any damages arising from the Data Sheets or the Product Information, etc. Furthermore, Sony shall not bear any liability whatsoever regarding disputes (including responses to such disputes) in conjunction with infringement of intellectual property rights or other rights or damage incurred by the Customer or third parties caused by the Data Sheets or the Product Information, etc.


2.    Sony shall not bear any liability whatsoever for special damage, indirect damage, ancillary damage, or derivative damage (including damage resulting from loss of profit that would have been earned, loss of opportunity, loss or destruction of information, and so on) incurred by the Customer or third parties as a result of use of the Data Sheets or the Product Information, etc.


3.    All right and title in and to the Data Sheets is owned by Sony or one or more of the third-party suppliers.
No license or right of use of intellectual property rights or other rights that belong to the Sony or third parties is granted in relation to use of Product Information, etc. by the Customer. 


4.    The circuit diagrams, and in the case where circuit examples are stated in the Data Sheets, such circuits are presented as representative examples of applications for reference purposes, and Sony shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage arising from the use of such circuits.


5.    The Customer is strictly prohibited from copying, reproducing, or disclosing the Data Sheets or the Product Information, etc., in whole or in part, except as otherwise agreed in writing by Sony in advance.


6.    Please acquire approvals and take other action pursuant to all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances (including without limitation Japan’s Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act relating to goods subject to export restrictions and export of technical information and United States export control laws and regulations) when using the Data Sheets and Product Information, etc. under the Customer’s own responsibility.


7.    The Data Sheets and Product Information, etc. are subject to change for improvement without notice.